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Trail running probably goes back as far as there have been trails and people to run them. However, trail running as it is practiced today, particularly in competition, remains a relatively recent practice. When it comes to setting a date for the first trail running race, some people cite the date of 1832, in reference to the first edition of...

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Running on trails has likely been a part of human history for thousands of years, as people have used trails to hunt, gather food, and move from place to place.

Many cultures throughout history have had a strong tradition of running, with running used as a means of transportation, hunting, and warfare. This tradition is still perpetuated today in certain peoples...

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Yes, but not just any... To help you find the one that is best suited to your practice and your needs, we have grouped together the main characteristics and differences of our 2 legging models. THE COMPARATIVE Sherpa Leggings Second...
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As might be expected, our study reveals that trail runners take their car a little more than once a week to get to their trail spot, and to cover an average distance of 30km round trip.

But there is a big disparity between practitioners, some of them taking the car up to 6 times a week to travel 25km return...

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