How to prepare an Ultra Trail?

An ultra trail is a long distance trail race that typically covers distances of more than 70km. Preparing for an ultra trail race can be a difficult and demanding process, but it can also be incredibly rewarding.

To help you prepare for your next ultra, we interviewed our community of runners who were willing to share their tips with us.  

But before going into detail, here are some general tips to prepare for an ultra trail race:

1. CoStart by building a strong fitness base. This means working on your endurance, strength and mobility. Focus on exercises that will improve your overall fitness and help you build the physical and mental stamina you need for running.

  1. Train specifically for the type of terrain you will be running on. If the race includes a lot of steep climbs and descents, for example, be sure to include those types of trails in your training.
  1. Follow a training plan tailored to your fitness level and the specific demands of the race. A good training plan will gradually increase the distance and intensity of your workouts over time so that you are ready for the race without burning out.
  1. Make sure you fuel your body well during training and on race day. This means eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated. You can also try different types of fuel, such as energy gels or electrolyte drinks, to see what works best for you.
  1. Prepare your mind. Ultra trail races can be mentally challenging, and it's important to be able to stay positive and focused even when things get tough. Practice visualization and positive self-talk, and find ways to stay motivated during your training.
  1. Consider following a training plan. A well-trained coach will help you optimize your preparation in the time available and ensure that you reach your peak fitness on race day.
  1. Finally, make sure you are well prepared for the race itself. This means getting all your equipment in order, organizing your logistics and making a plan for the race. Make sure you get plenty of rest before the race and be prepared for anything that might happen to you on race day.