3 - Repair and warranty

  • Garantie des produits
  • Service de Réparation

Garantie des produits

3 articles

Service de Réparation

3 articles
Contact us: either by email (by sending us photos) either by telephone +33 7 52 06 08 69 so that...
If during “normal” use of the product, it loses functionality, wears out abnormally quickly or begins to function less well...
All our products are guaranteed for 10 years, under “normal” use. Of course, this remains at our discretion! But we...
We guarantee our products for 10 years, we undertake to repair or exchange your product free of charge when its...
We entrust the repair to Goodloop and its group of seamstresses specialized in mending adventure clothing. To find out more,...
During your various adventures, you may have the opportunity to damage your product. No worries, we can fix it! Contact...

How do I use my warranty?

Contact us:

  • either by email (by sending us photos)
  • either by telephone +33 7 52 06 08 69 so that we can understand what is wrong and we will exchange your product

When can I use my warranty?

If during “normal” use of the product, it loses functionality, wears out abnormally quickly or begins to function less well than it should, we undertake to repair it for you at our expense. Our products are guaranteed for 10 years.

How long are the products guaranteed?

All our products are guaranteed for 10 years, under “normal” use.

Of course, this remains at our discretion! But we are not mean, rather conciliatory ;p

How much does it cost ?

We guarantee our products for 10 years, we undertake to repair or exchange your product free of charge when its use is compromised for the following reasons:

  • a seam becomes unstitched or frayed
  • pockets become loose or torn
  • the elastic of the shorts relaxes
  • the closing point of the front pocket breaks
  • a broken stick door clip
  • the drawstring breaks

On the other hand, anything which does not compromise the proper use of the product and which is simply linked to the work of time, is not subject to warranty:

  • wear of the material (pilling, stitched thread on the material, scratches, etc.)
  • screen printing that patina
  • silicone rubber bands that wear out

In cases where the material is punctured or torn, for example during a fall or an unfortunate encounter with tough barbed wire, we offer a repair service at a single price of €19 (we cover 50% of costs). repair costs).

Who repairs my product?

We entrust the repair to Goodloop and its group of seamstresses specialized in mending adventure clothing.

To find out more, go here :


A bunch of Piranhas and a saber-toothed tiger tore a hole in my t-shirt. What to do ?

During your various adventures, you may have the opportunity to damage your product.

No worries, we can fix it!

Contact us:

  • either by email (by sending us photos) to giveme5@wisetrailrunning.com
  • or by telephone +33 7 52 06 08 69
We will explain the procedure to you!